A history that is placed the XIII century in Scotland, William Wallace lives in the mountain. He had as a goal to struggle against the tyranny of the king Eduard I and this put a law that a people ho married, the first night, the woman must be with noble English. Wallace marries in secret, but the English are informed and kill the girl. Wallace gets very angry and wants revenge search, he gathers a Scottish exercised that struggles for the liberty. After defeating the English in several battles, he asks helped to the noblemen. Robert Bruce is among the crown inherited to help Wallace. Exactly before a battle the men of the noblemen withdrew of the battle since they had accepted bribery of the King, Wallace is under arrest and has to ask clemency at the king or to die of torture. Wallace dies and Bruce decides to struggle for the freedom of Scotia, not the coronation and they achieve the freedom.
Tània Masgrau
Tània Masgrau
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